Thursday, January 20, 2011



ScienceAccess Science: provides a collection of math and science reference materials—online and fully searchable. Offering easy accessibility to all the articles, fully illustrated, from the latest edition of the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, Research Updates from the McGraw-Hill Yearbooks, thousands of illustrations, and the latest Science News® headlines, biographies, and more.
Language ArtBiography Resource Center:The Biography Resource Center (BioRC) is a comprehensive database of biographical information on over 380,000 people from throughout history, around the world, and across all disciplines and subject areas.
Contemporary Lit. Criticism
Literature Web Links: : A selection of useful websites from the Reading Public Library’s bookmark collection (Delicious)


HistoryNEW! Pop Culture Universe is an authoritative, yet irresistible, digital library of information on American and world popular culture, from the 1920s to the present, including the movies, TV shows, awards, stars, fads, buzzwords, fashions, and news items that defined each decade.
Greenwood Daily Life Online: Providing a comprehensive, cross-disciplinary resource that supports history and social studies students, Daily Life Online gives life to history and context to current events.
Encyclopedia of American Immigration: This source addresses all questions about immigration that students might reasonably be expected to ask: Where immigrants have come from and why; how they have adapted to their new homeland; how they have contributed to American culture and society; how government policies toward them have changed; and how American immigration history has fit into worldwide migration patterns.
Milestone Documents in American History: This source covers more than 130 primary source documents from the Revolutionary era to the present day. Each entry offers the full text of the document in question as well as overviews, context, timelines, essential quotes, author and audience information. The library also offers this source in print format.
History Web Links: A selection of useful websites from the 

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